
Defination of Defamation:
Defamation refers to the unconsented and unprivileged publications of a false idea whichtends to injure reputation.

Defamation is the aftermath of the following:

It is oral defamation. It is injurious defamation by spoken words or by looks, signs, or gestures. Slander is also known as calumny.

It is written defamation. It is malicious defamatory publication or statement. A person can be sued for defamation if he deliberately publishes the false idea that injures

Publication is the unconsented intentional or negligent communication of defamatory matter to a third parry. Publication includes any means of communication by which a third party actually receives the defamatory message. If you accuse a person privately of a fraud or incompetence you have no legal consequences. But if this accusation is made in front of a third person who is not privileged you may be subject to legal action.

Libellous and slanderous statements both are subject to legal action. Since libellous statements are more permanent, laws about libel are more severe than those about slander. Libellous communication Includes a letter, circular, picture, photograph, recorded tape, cartoon, news paper or phonograph record. Accidental communications to third persons, such as eavesdroppers or unauthorized letter readers, are not actionable.

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  • Defamation
  • Article Source: - Defamation

    Defamation, Defamation Law, Anti Defamation League, Definition Of Defamation